Pasty Pie - Just like a giant Cornish Pasty

Our Pasty Pie recipe is just like a giant Cornish Pasty with some extras. The same ingredients can be used to make individual pasties, made as a pie uses less pastry and can go further.
The Pasty Pie is another of our recipes that shows how a little amount of quality ingredients can make something delicious.
In this recipe we use beef “skirt”, another cheaper cut of beef. When you make this recipe you will wonder why it is cheaper. The flavour of “skirt” is stunning and it is very underrated. The appearance of unprepared “skirt” is not as beef is presented in advertising and that makes it less popular. You will have to trim and dice the meat, unless you have asked us to do it for you, we are butchers after all!

In this recipe we use:
1 onion
A few carrots
About 1lb potato
A small sweet potato
½ a small swede
About 10oz of beef skirt
Sea Salt

To start prepare the “skirt” beef. Trim the meat of excess fat and sinew, dice it up into chunks. Remember that the meat reduces in size when cooked.

Dice up all the vegetables, and season lightly with a little salt and pepper. Mix together to evenly spread the ingredients.

Add the meat and mix again. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.

Roll out the pastry and lay it on some greaseproof paper on your oven pan. Then pour the mixture on the pastry.

Pinch up the sides – my pastry was a bit too cold and I didn’t make it very neatly but it doesn’t matter when served! Remember to use a beaten egg to help the pastry bind together.

Place it in the oven and reduce the temperature to 180 degrees, and cook until it is done – this one took about 40 minutes.

Slice and serve.
