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How big should my turkey be?

This is the most common questions asked at the shop but is the hardest one to answer. Not every household serves the same amount of meat, and some families expect their turkey to provide loads of delicious turkey sandwiches and a good curry too!


General guides shown online are:


6 - 8 people 3kg – 4.5kg (7lb to 10lb)

8 – 10 people 4kg – 5kg (9lb to 11lb)

10 – 12 people 5kg – 5.5kg (11lb – 12lb)

12 – 15 people 6kg – 6.5kg (13lb – 14lb)


But this doesn’t give you an idea about how much meat you get per person.


There is another way to help you calculate it. A serving is usually around 175g (6 ounces). What does that actually look like? Well, the typical beefburger in the UK is between 110 and 180 grams (between 4 and 6 ounces).


175g (6 ounces) puts the uncooked portion size at around the same as a good burger.


This means that you can calculate the weight of the turkey yourself.


If you have 8 adults to cook for:


8 x 175 grams is 1,400 grams, which is 1.4kg


8 x 6 ounces is 48 ounces, which is 3lb


You need to allow for the bones with a whole turkey which for a standard bird is 454 grams or 1lb.


For the Christmas meal only, a fresh turkey for eight people would be 2kg or 4lb.


Most families want turkey for sandwiches and another meal. All you need to do is then double the weight without bones for each meal.


For a family of eight people wanting turkey for the Christmas meal, sandwiches and another meal:


Christmas meal: 8 x 175 grams is 1,400 grams, which is 1.4kg

Sandwiches: 8 x 175 grams is 1,400 grams, which is 1.4kg

Another meal: 8 x 175 grams is 1,400 grams, which is 1.4kg

Allowance for the bones etc – 0.5kg

Total bird weight 4.7kg

Christmas meal: 8 x 6 ounces is 48 ounces, which is 3lb

Sandwiches: 8 x 6 ounces is 48 ounces, which is 3lb

Another meal: 8 x 6 ounces is 48 ounces, which is 3lb

Allowance for the bones etc – 1lb

Total bird weight 10lb


Using this method you can work out how bid a bird you would like.



E.W. Revett & Son

81 High Street, Wickham Market

Woodbridge, Suffolk

IP13 0RA

Telephone: 01728 746263
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